Saturday, February 6, 2016

28 Days of OLLIE: Day 6

Happy Saturday!
Well, I bet you didn't expect to hear from the OLLIE Community today...It is the weekend after all. Well, no worries. Today is all about looking back and reflecting about the first 5 days of this month long event and thinking about how you might be able to leverage the OLLIE community to help you teach online or blend your instruction.

It has been a busy week for Mr. Miller. He has learned that the OLLIE community and its members are there to support him as he moves toward more
online/blended instruction for his students. He has also learned about different ways to connect with the community members and share ideas. Finally, he is excited to know that there is a a place where he can go to learn about online/blended learning, ask questions, and share resources. He plans to keep an eye on the announcements from the community facilitators for resources and upcoming events and do his best to support other community members by responding to questions and sharing resources.

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