Thursday, February 4, 2016

28 Days of OLLIE: Day 4

Before I get into today's focus, I want to remind you about the OLLIE community cohort course opportunity. The course, Designing Online Lessons is a 2-credit course and will begin on Feb. 17.  You may audit the course for free, or pay a minimal amount for license renewal and graduate credit. To register, click here.(Note: You must register even if you are choosing to audit the course and not take it for credit.) This course is an awesome opportunity to learn more about video-based lessons, text-based lessons, and tools like SoftChalk.
And now without further ado...

Day 4
ON day 4 Mr. Miller begins to see some of the ways community members can help each other out by sharing ideas, resources, and tools. You to can help out by sharing your own thoughts about question posed in the scenario here.
It's day 4 of the 28 days of OLLIE and Mr. Miller is starting to see how he can connect with people. The announcements give him new information and ideas to think about and the forums, Twitter, and Diigo are all tools that he can use to connect with others in the community, but what has him really stumped is…"when and why do people connect?" Other than the information from the community announcements, he doesn't really feel like he has a reason to add his voice to the conversation... and that's when it happens.
In the general forum a teacher has made a post asking the community for assistance. She is a 4th grade teacher who would like to incorporate some digital citizenship content into her blended course. She is looking for online resources that could put in her unit.
Mr. Miller remembers that he read that a good online instruction includes extension activities and resources that push students thinking. Even though he teaches middle school science, he replies to her post with a resources that he uses with his students.  
As he looks at others responses to the post he even finds some resources that will assist his efforts in supporting digital literacy with his students. He makes a mental note to add them to his course.

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