Monday, January 14, 2013

For AEA PD Online Instructors: Moving from Moodle Version 1.9 to 2.2 in May 2013

This spring, we are sunsetting the old statewide Moodle server (v 1.9, at The old server gave us the opportunity to experiment and learn in order to create a more successful server. Having all our courses on the new server will make for less confusion among participants and better support from our staff for instructors and participants alike.

Our plan is to transition all our current content and users over to our new server (v 2.2, by May 1, 2013 the beginning of our summer semester. Starting with our summer semester, all online courses will be on our new server.

We will then completely sunset the old server on June 1, 2013 (giving time for any spring courses to finish up). For those who have not used Moodle 2.0, you can access resources by selecting “Orientation and Tutorials” located in the grey bar here .

For questions about the transition process, please contact either Peggy Steinbronn at or Evan Abbey at

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