October 14th kicks of Digital Citizenship Week...Are you ready?
Digital Citizenship is an important tool that we as teachers can give our students that will last them their entire life. AEA Learning Online is here to help teachers make that a little bit easier. We have created modules for different grade spans, K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12. The Kindergarten through eighth-grade modules are based on Common Sense Media's Digital Citizenship lessons. They are enhanced with videos, audio, and various interactive activities that make the learning fun! The ninth through twelve grade modules are based on Mike Ribble's "Nine Themes of Digital Citizenship". These modules are also enhanced with video, audio, and interactives.
These modules are FREE for you to use a teacher with your students. To check out these modules, go to learning.aeak12online.org click log in and use the AEA Login credentials that you use for the Teacher Training system (Bloodborne Pathogens training, Mandatory Reporter training, etc). Next, click on the Catalog button at the top of the screen and finally find Technology Literacy listed on the left side of your screen. Here you will discover all the Digital Citizenship modules that AEA Learning Online has to offer you and your students.

If you want to get started using the Student Personalized Learning System for your classroom, please reach out to Denise Krefting, Melissa Wicklund, or Craig Mohr and we would be happy to help you move forward with the system.
Together we can make a difference in the lives of students as Digital Citizens!
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