With the updates to the Iowa Core Social Studies standards to include Iowa History throughout K-12 classes, authors and educators Sandra Kessler Host and Dorothy Kessler Engstrom have graciously offered the content in their books on Iowa History and the Rural School System to be added to the Student Personalized Learning System and AEA Learning Online's OER Commons hub for teachers and students in the State of Iowa. In addition to their work "Collections of the Iowa Rural Schools Museum of Odebolt 1870-1950" and "Iowa's Unsung Prairie Transformation to Farms and One Room Schools 1870-1900 " previously shared with you as content in the SPLS and OER, we now have added "Iowa History: A New Look at Iowa's One-Room Schools" and "Iowa History: Iowa Rural Settlement".

In the module "Iowa History: Iowa Rural Settlement" students will learn more about the history of the settlement of Iowa, where immigrants came from and how they moved westward and the futuristic thinking of leaders in the State. There is no teacher guide for this content like there is for other content developed by Sandra and Dorthy

You can find any of this content in our Student Personalized Learning Center by logging in, clicking on Social Studies/History, clicking on Statewide and looking for the content. Click on the icon to the far right of the title to explore the modules.
If you wish to use these with students or have any questions please contact Denise Krefting (dkrefting@aealearningonline.org) Craig Mohr (cmohr@aealearningonline.org) or Melissa Wicklund (mwicklund@aealearningonline.org).
If you have any other suggestions please let us know. Remember you can also create your own modules in our system. If you are interested in this, please contact us: Denise Krefting, Craig Mohr or Melissa Wicklund. If you or others that you are aware of who might be interested in getting this information on the Student Personalized Learning System please sign up for this newsletter at http://eepurl.com/ccWi45
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