You may have used the OER Common site and AEA PD Online's OER Commons hub to find free and open source collections including content for Iowa teachers to use in your online classrooms. AEA PD Online is undergoing a name change this fall as we are much more than professional development. Our new name will be AEA Learning Online.

As a result, some of the links to our resources will also change. Our OER Hub is one of these. The new link to AEA Learning's OER Commons Hub is https://www.oercommons.org/hubs/aeaonline
Here is some information on OER Commons and the Hub in case you are not aware of what this is and what it can do for you:
What is it?
How to navigate AEA Learning Online's OER Hub
How to create an account in the system and add yourself to a group (Video)
If you haven't been there in awhile, check it out. Find resources that you can use, and remix to meet the needs of your classroom.
If you have any questions or thoughts you can email any of our K-12 team: Denise Krefting, Melissa Wicklund and Craig Mohr.
Please note that our emails are also changing to @aealearningonline.org .
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