Friday, January 20, 2017

Credit Options for 28 Days of OLLIE: Powering Up Personalized Learning Participants

The 28 Days of OLLIE: Powering Up Personalized Learning is only a few weeks away. In an effort to personalizing learning for 28 Day participants we are offering both formal and informal learning opportunities focused on how to further implement personalized learning with students.

Formal Learning Opportunity (Credit Option): Individuals who would like to participate in the 28 Days event for license renewal (2 credits) or graduate credit (2 credits) can do so by registering here. As an added bonus, the credits will be offered at a reduced rate:

License Renewal (2 credits):
Drake Graduate (2 credits):
Viterbo Graduate (2 credits):
Morningside Graduate (2 credits):
No Credit

Individuals who select this option and register will receive information from the course instructor in early February.

Informal Learning Opportunity (No Credit=No Cost): Individuals who would like to participate in the 28 Days of OLLIE event, but
  • Are interested in personalized learning, but not do not need license renewal or graduate credit at this time
  • Aren’t certain how the course will fit into their schedule
  • Haven’t participated in online learning opportunities and want to “dip their toes” in before taking a online course
Can choose to participate informally. The benefit of participating informally, is that participants have access to all of the learning (discussions, resources, activities, etc.), but can choose how to engage each of the opportunities presented during the 28 Days.

It is up to you, the participant, to choose which learner path works best for you.  

We can’t wait to connect with you during the month of February.

For more information about the 28 Days of OLLIE: Powering Up Personalized Learning

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