Tuesday, June 21, 2016

KPEC Conference - Designing for Blended and Online Learning

We are presenting at Keystone's KPEC conference today and tomorrow.  Today, we are facilitating a session on design for blended and online learning.

Where: Salon B
When: 11:30

We'll be looking at several different aspects of the design process.  Here are some of the resources for each part.

Blended Learning Models

Blended Learning Models
Blended/Flipping Cohort 
Jarod's Site

Instructional Design

Guiding Principles to Design
Structuring into Units
Creating Objectives
Quality Online Instruction
Visual Design 

Designing Lessons

Designing Online Lessons
Planning Online Lessons
Developing Narrative 

Spoken/Recorded Lessons

Jarod's Site
Spoken/Recorded Lessons
Preparing Your Speaking Voice 
Interactivity in Spoken/Recorded Lesson

Text-Based Lessons 

SoftChalk Cloud website
SoftChalk Cloud license request
SoftChalk Cloud Tutorials
Structure and Parts of Text-Based Lessons
Using Images
Adding Interactivity to SoftChalk

Monday, June 20, 2016

Upcoming Courses: July 1-August 15, 2016

See below for a list of upcoming online professional learning opportunities. 

To register, click on the activity number listed with each course. To conduct your own search for professional development classes, click here to go to the AEA PD Online catalog.

Agriculture to Teach NGSS in an Engaging Way - Siouxland (July)
Register at 22035199991701
Course Dates: July 1-Sept. 15, 2016
Credit(s): 1

Increasing Student Collaboration By Going Paperless
Register at 22033799991701
Course Dates: July 1-Sept. 1, 2016
Credit(s): 3

iPods & iPads for the Classroom
Register at 22004199991701
Course Dates: July 4-July 31, 2016
Credit(s): 2

Spanish for Educators Online
Register at 22000799991701
Course Dates: July 5-Aug. 16, 2016
Credit(s): 3

App Smashing: Using Universal Constructs to Benefit the 21st Century Learner
Register at 22035499991701
Course Dates: July 6-Aug. 17, 2016
Credit(s): 2

OLLIE: Introduction to the Online Learner
Register at 22001399991702
Course Dates: July 6-Aug. 2, 2016
Credit(s): 1

Personalized Learning: Helping Your Students Take Charge of their Learning
Register at 22027099991701
Course Dates: July 6-July 26, 2016
Credit(s): 2

Pinterest: Using Pins, Boards, and More in Your Classroom
Register at 22022299991702
Course Dates: July 6-Aug. 2, 2016
Credit(s): 2

Using Blended Learning/Technology to Teach Comprehensive Musicianship
Register at 22033599991701
Course Dates: July 6-Aug. 3, 2016
Credit(s): 2

Advancing Minds: How to Thrive as Teacher Leader
Register at 22035399991701
Course Dates: July 7-Sept. 5, 2016
Credit(s): 3

Google in the Classroom
Register at 22028899991702
Course Dates: July 8-Aug. 18, 2016
Credit(s): 2

Integrate Technology with 8 simple tools
Register at 22021899991702
Course Dates: July 10-Aug. 7, 2016
Credit(s): 2

How Do You Teach Reading-Speaking the Language of The Book Whisperer
Register at 22019399991702
Course Dates: July 11-Aug. 5, 2016
Credit(s): 1

iMovie: Digital Video in the Classroom
Register at 22000399991701
Course Dates: July 11-July 31, 2016
Credit(s): 1

MovieMaker: Digital Video in the Classroom
Register at 22000699991701
Course Dates: July 11-July 31, 2016
Credit(s): 1

Reverse Instruction - Flip Your Classroom
Register at 22014699991701
Course Dates: July 11-Aug. 12, 2016
Credit(s): 2

Using Iowa AEA Online Databases in the Science Classroom
Register at 22009299991701
Course Dates: July 12-Aug. 29, 2016
Credit(s): 3

Building Social Studies Literacy
Register at 22017199991701
Course Dates: July 12-Aug. 15, 2016
Credit(s): 2 (License Renewal Only)

MOLLIE: Blended Learning in the Elementary
Register at 22031899991701
Course Dates: July 13-Aug. 16, 2016
Credit(s): 2

OLLIE: Online Facilitation
Register at 22009699991701
Course Dates: July 13-Aug. 16, 2016
Credit(s): 2

Mesoamerica: Visions and Voices Part I: Mexico: A Land of Contrasts
Register at 22006299991701
Course Dates: July 14-Aug. 11, 2016
Credit(s):1 (License Renewal Only)

Iowa Core Fraction Domain for Grades 3-5
Register at 22023299991701
Course Dates: July 15-Sept. 5, 2016
Credit(s): 2

MOLLIE Blended Learning
Register at 22015099991702
Course Dates: July 18-Aug. 19, 2016
Credit(s): 2

Effective Formative Assessment Using Tech Tools
Register at 22030699991702
Course Dates: July 24-Aug. 20, 2016
Credit(s): 2

Building Your Choral Music Program ICDA Symposium
Register at 22035599991701
Course Dates: July 25-Aug. 15, 2016
Credit(s): 1

iEvaluate 1.2
Register at 22017299991701
Course Dates: July 25-Sept. 16, 2016
Credit(s): 2 (renewal only)

Energy and Agriculture applied to Next Generation Science Standards - Clay Co
Register at 22033699991701
Course Dates: Aug. 1-Oct. 1, 2016
Credit(s): 1

Google Sites for the Classroom
Register at 22025199991702
Course Dates: Aug 1-Aug. 25, 2016
Credit(s): 1

Pinterest: Using Pins, Boards, and More in Your Classroom
Register at 
Course Dates: July 15-Sept. 5, 2016
Credit(s): 2

Mackin VIA: Curriculum Integration
Register at 22015499991701
Course Dates: Aug. 8-Oct.12, 2016
Credit(s): 1

The Flipped Classroom
Register at 22032699991701
Course Dates: Aug. 15-Oct. 15, 2016
Credit(s): 2

Friday, June 17, 2016

The 3 R's of Summer-Part 2



Relax, Refresh, Rejuvenate!
Refresh verb:
to bring back to a former condition or vigor <brought out some iced tea to refresh the spirits of the folks working out in the sun>

Recharge your batteries—an expression I have often heard and used. How will you “refresh and recharge” yourself this summer? Summer is often a time to look back on the past year as well as look forward to the coming school year. What worked? What didn’t? What will you change? How will you change it?

Teachers need to take time to recharge, reflect, and reinvigorate.

Take time to look at the following resources. They may give you some ideas for how you can get your passion and energy to teach revived.

·      Teaching Matters: How to Keep Your Passion and Thrive in Today’s Classroom by Todd Whitaker & Beth Whitaker—a review of the book

While these resources talk about classroom teachers, many of the ideas also apply to online teachers. Online teachers need time to recharge as well as they are probably as much, if not more, “on” with their students—almost 24-7.

Refresh Your Practice by Roby R. Jackson

So, what ideas and strategies to you have for refreshing yourself? Go!

Peggy Steinbronn, Ed.D.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Energy modules for Students in our Student Personalized Learning System

Recently added to the Student Personalized Learning System is content that students can explore dealing with energy.  This content was supported by the Iowa Energy Center.  Teachers, administrators and counselors of school districts could assign any or all of the modules to their students and can check out the content by logging into the Student Personalized Learning system using the username and password that they use for the training system where they have taken mandatory trainings.

Once logged into the Student Learning system, click on Modules, Science (or Agriculture) (you will also see K-2, 3-5 and 9-12 content).  If you wish to use these with students or have any questions please contact Denise Krefting (dkrefting@aeapdonline.org) or Melissa Wicklund (mwicklund@aeapdonline.org).

Here are some of the modules. Log in to see more:
  • Agriculture and Energy
  • Energy Conservation Practices
  • What are Biofuels
  • Chemical Reactions in Ethanol Production
  • Biomass Technology and Energy Production
  • Conducting an energy audit
  • Current Issues: Climate change
  • Energy in the Household: Saving Costs
  • Physical Science: Energy
  • Physical Science: Energy Resources         

Friday, June 3, 2016

The 3 R's of Summer-Part 1



What are the 3 R's of your summer?

elax, Refresh, Rejuvenate!

These are the 3 that I think are necessary to get ready for the next school year. But what do you do to make each of them happen? How do you relax? What do you do that refreshes you? How do you rejuvenate and get the enthusiasm and energy back after a long year of teaching? Do you have a plan to make your summer fun, worthwhile, interesting, and, hopefully, get you ready for the new school year?

Relax: to reduce or stop work, effort, application, etc., especially for the sake of rest or recreation.

How do you relax? Do you plan time to relax? What if you took 20-30 minutes a day, every day, this summer, to really unwind, relax, meditate, do "nothing"?  If 30 minutes seems too long, start with 5 or 10 minutes per day. Then reflect on what that "down" time has done for your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Do you notice any changes?

My idea of relaxing is to sit in my favorite chair with a cup of coffee and my knitting bag. Well, that is just one of the ways I like to relax. Taking time to do things I like to do, or am interested in--reading a book just for the fun of it, not because I have to; reading a "professional" book that I have been wanting to read but just haven't had time to do; taking a class to learn something new--a new knitting technique, an online course, etc. I am not usually one to just sit and do nothing. But I probably should--sitting still for 5 - 10 minutes is still doing something. There are benefits to being "still" for a few minutes every day.

Practicing relaxation exercises/ techniques on a daily basis can produce, over time, a general feeling of relaxation and increased well-being that benefits every area of your life. When you feel relaxed and at ease, you feel more in control which leads to calm, realistic responses. Deep breathing, meditation, yoga, music and art therapy are a few techniques to get yourself to a truly relaxed state. But it takes practice.

Check out these ideas for getting started at: http://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/hr/hrdepts/asap/Documents/Relaxation_Techniques.pdf 


In the Spotlight:

Subtext--an app for Book Discussions

Subtext is a free iPad app that can be used for students and teachers to have digital book discussions.

Using Subtext you can:
  •  Read ebooks
  • Annotate ebooks
  • Create quizzes about ebooks
  • Write blog posts about the ebooks read
There are options for private and public book discussion groups and you can build bookshelves for groups.
More resources on using this in your classroom 

Peggy Steinbronn, Ed.D.