Does this seem familiar?
Both teachers in the classroom and administrators during faculty or parent meetings have used Power Point increasingly over the past decade. Even with new tools like Presi at our disposal, you probably are finding yourself either sitting through or giving yourself some pretty lousy presentations.
It's not the tool that is the issue, however. It is how you are using it.
AEA PD Online is offering our online course in Presentation Zen, the guidelines put forth by Garr Reynolds on what makes an effective presentation. The 1-credit course helps participants look at the planning, design, and delivery phases of a presentation, and is available for license renewal or graduate credit.
We have three sections of the course available this summer for teachers. Click on the links below to go to the appropriate registration page:
• June 11 - July 1
• July 9 - July 29
• July 30 - Aug 19
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Learn How To Flip Your Classroom!
AEA PD Online instructor & Grundy Center teacher/tech coordinator Bob Munson is at it again! He is offering an online course for teachers on the cutting edge of instruction.
Have you heard about Flipped Learning, the instructional model that blends online instruction into your face-to-face classroom? What's more, have you thought it sounds promising, but seemed to hard for you to learn? This course is for you.
Flipped Learning shifts direct instruction outside of the classroom to the online environment, opening up time in-class to be better utilized. Check out the video below from science teacher Aaron Sams as he showcases how it works in his classroom.
The course is coming up quick, but it isn't too late to sign up. It starts May 26 and goes through June 30, available for 2 license renewal or graduate credits. To register for the class, click here.
Looking for another option? Check out our popular MOLLIE: Blended Learning course! The MOLLIE (More Online Learning for Iowa Educators) series helps teachers with the process of blending your classroom instruction, and flipped learning is one of the focal points. There is a section that starts June 11.
Have you heard about Flipped Learning, the instructional model that blends online instruction into your face-to-face classroom? What's more, have you thought it sounds promising, but seemed to hard for you to learn? This course is for you.
Flipped Learning shifts direct instruction outside of the classroom to the online environment, opening up time in-class to be better utilized. Check out the video below from science teacher Aaron Sams as he showcases how it works in his classroom.
The course is coming up quick, but it isn't too late to sign up. It starts May 26 and goes through June 30, available for 2 license renewal or graduate credits. To register for the class, click here.
Looking for another option? Check out our popular MOLLIE: Blended Learning course! The MOLLIE (More Online Learning for Iowa Educators) series helps teachers with the process of blending your classroom instruction, and flipped learning is one of the focal points. There is a section that starts June 11.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
AEA PD Online Launches Self-Paced Courses in June
AEA PD Online’s self-paced courses are designed for educators who want to start and complete a course on their own schedule. Self-paced courses are available for license renewal, sub authorization, and paraeducator renewal at $60/credit.
Digital Citizenship
1 credit
Available June 1
A six module series focused on instructing teachers how to build responsible digital technology use with students
Overview to Digital Citizenship
Cyberbullying & Online Safety
Digital Literacy
Copyright and Fair Use
Digital Security
Using Iowa AEA Online’s Resources
1 credit
Available June 1
An overview to integrating multimedia resources into your classroom
Introduction to Iowa AEA Online
Using Video in the Classroom
Using Audio and Images in the Classroom
Using Resources for Student Research
Copyright and Fair use
Additional Self-Paced Courses Coming in July and August
Exceptional Learner
Google Apps 101
Ethics for Educators
Upcoming Courses June 15-July 31, 2014

Differentiating through Drama (the Good Kind You Can Use in the Classroom)
Incorporate drama into your classroom and get students on their feet, working together, practicing their speaking skills, and gaining confidence.
Register at 22019899991501
Course Dates: June 2-June 27, 2014
Credit(s): 1
Google Sites
Learn to use Google Sites in the classroom to enhance collaboration, creativity, and student communication.
Register at 22012899991501
Course Dates: June 2-July 27, 2014
Credit(s): 2
How Do You Teach Reading-Speaking the Language of The Book Whisperer
Add to your toolbox of resources and ideas that will “awaken the inner reader in every child.”
Register at 22019399991501
Course Dates: June 2-June 27, 2014
Credit(s): 1
Pinterest in the Classroom
Leverage Pinterest to improve classroom practice and ultimately student learning.
Register at 22019999991501
Course Dates: June 2-June 29, 2014
Credit(s): 2
What Great Teachers Do Differently
Want to go from good to great? Study the beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes that can take your teaching to the next level.
Register at 22020399991501
Course Dates: June 2-July 11, 2014
Credit(s): 3
OLLIE: Introduction to the Online Learner
Discover what online learning is like from the student perspective.
Register at 22001399991501
Course Dates: June 4-June 24, 2014
Credit(s): 1
Intro to Google Apps (Hybrid-includes a one-day face-to-face session)
Examine how to use Google Apps in the 21st century classroom to enhance collaboration, creativity, and communication.
Register at 22001699991501
Course Dates: June 5-Aug. 3, 2014
Credits: 2
Building Common Core Foundational Skills - The Voweletics Method
Dig into the literacy Iowa Core Foundational Skills and find out how understanding the phonetic basis of English can help students be successful.
Register at 22016699991501
Course Dates: June 9-August 2, 2014
Credit(s): 2
Intro to Google Apps
Discover how Google Apps can improve students’ 21st century skills.
Register at 22001099991501
Course Dates: June 9-July 7, 2014
Credit(s): 2
Intro to Google Apps: Tools to Integrate
Find new ways to integrate Google Apps into your instruction.
Register at 22014599991501
Course Dates: June 9-August 3, 2014
Credit(s): 2
iPods & iPads for the Classroom
Incorporate iPods and iPads into classroom instruction.
Register at 22004199991501
Course Dates: June 9-July 6, 2014
Credit(s): 2
Strategies for Champion Teachers! Easy Tips and Tricks You Can Use Tomorrow
Load up your teacher toolbox with 49 practical, research-based instructional strategies that will set you and your students up for success.
Register at 22019299991501
Course Dates: June 9-July 25, 2014
Credit(s): 2
Elements: Collaboration in the Digital Classroom
Find and use online collaborative tools to use with students.
Register at 22016799991501
Dates: June 11-Aug. 8, 2014
Credit(s): 2
Examining: Bullying From Both Sides
Learn about the emotional needs of bullied children and the one who bullies.
Register at 22002099991501
Course Dates: June 11-August 8, 2014
Credit(s): 3
Examining: Engaging Troubling Students: A Constructivist Approach
Discover how to engage problematic students in the learning process and build strong, meaningful relationships with them.
Register at 22003299991501
Course Dates: June 11-August 8, 2014
Credit(s): 3
Examining: Fierce Teaching
Examine seven brain-based, core principles necessary for achieving consistent, positive learning outcomes.
Register at 22018799991501
Course Dates: June 11-August 8, 2014
Credit(s): 2
Examining: How the Special Needs Brain Learns
Help special needs students be more successful by learning specific strategies that address the functions of their brains.
Register at 22017599991501
Course Dates: June 11-August 8, 2014
Credit(s): 3
Examining: Overcoming Dyslexia
Find out how to help students with dyslexia.
Register at 22003399991501
Course Dates: June 11-August 8, 2014
Credit(s): 3
Examining: Secrets of the Teenage Brain
Examine strategies and approaches for teaching and reaching teenagers.
Register at 22019199991501
Course Dates: June 11-August 8, 2014
Credit(s): 3
Examining: Words to Life: Robust Vocabulary Instruction
Help students improve their vocabulary by using practical strategies that are research-based.
Register at 22004899991501
Course Dates: June 11-August 8, 2014
Credit(s): 3
MOLLIE: Blended Learning
Discover how to blend classroom instruction so that students have the flexibility of online learning and the benefits of face-to-face instruction.
Register at 22015099991501
Course Dates: June 11-July 15, 2014
Credit(s): 2
MOLLIE: Designing Online Lessons, Including SoftChalk
Dig deep into how to design and build text-based and spoken lessons for an online environment.
Register at 22017999991501
Course Dates: June 11-July 15, 2014
Credit(s): 2
OLLIE: Online Learning Instructional Design
Create student outcomes, assessments, and lessons that can be used in an online asynchronous format.
Register at 22002799991501
Course Dates: June 11-July 15, 2014
Credit(s): 2
Presentation Zen: Improving Your Approach to Presentations
Create powerful presentations that communicate ideas, teach and persuade.
Register at 22012399991501
Course Dates: June 11-July 1, 2014
Credit(s): 1
Fine Arts in the Iowa Core-Part 2
Discover the evolution of the Fine Arts within the Iowa Core.
Register at 22015999991501
Course Dates: June 13-June 21, 2014
Credit(s): 1
Anxious Kids Searching for Calm
Find strategies to help students cope with anxiety and anxiousness.
Register at 22020699991501
Course Dates: June 16-July 4, 2014
Credit(s): 3
Disrupted Classrooms: Oppositional and Defiant Behavior
Discover how oppositional and defiant behaviors develop, the role of adults in interactions, and how to address the behaviors of students.
Register at 22020599991501
Course Dates: June 16-July 4, 2014
Credit(s): 3
Intro to Google Apps: Tools to Integrate
Find new ways to integrate Google Apps into your instruction.
Register at 22014599991502
Course Dates: June 16-Aug. 10, 2014
Credit(s): 2
Introduction to Google Apps
Discover how Google Apps can improve students’ 21st century skills.
Register at 22007899991501
Course Dates: June 16-July 20, 2014
Credit(s): 2
Motivating Kids from the Inside Out
Discover how to increase student motivation by learning about self-efficacy, locus of control, engagement, and self regulation.
Register at 22008599991501
Course Dates: June 16-July 4, 2014
Credit(s): 3
The Global Classroom
Find new ways to connect your students with other students from around the world.
Register at 22004499991501
Course Dates: June 16-Aug. 3, 2014
Credit(s): 3
Using Iowa AEA Online Databases in the Language Arts Classroom
Find ways to integrate Iowa AEA’s Online Databases into language arts instruction.
Register at 22006599991501
Course Dates: June 16-July 21, 2014
Credit(s): 3
Creating Your Comprehensive Musicianship Plan
Learn comprehensive musicianship strategies to use with students.
Register at 22009599991501
Course Dates:June 18-July 2, 2014
Credit(s): 1
Developing Student-Directed Learning
Design instruction that moves from teacher-directed to student directed learning.
Register at 22010499991501
Course Dates: June 18-July 30, 2014
Credit(s): 3 (renewal only)
Fine Arts Connections-Iowa: Refined-National: Revised Part 2 (Hybrid)
Investigate and experience lessons that align with the National Core Arts Standards and the Iowa Core Universal Constructs.
Register at 22020899991501
Course Dates: June 19-June 28, 2014
Credit(s): 1
Fine Arts in Iowa Core-Part 2
Build your understanding of the evolution of fine arts within the Iowa Core.
Register at 22015999991502
Course Dates: June 20-June 28, 2014
Credit(s): 1
iMovie, iPhoto, and GarageBand in the Classroom
Find ways to infuse iMovie, iPhoto, and GarageBand into your instruction.
Register at 22004299991501
Course Dates: June 23-July 20, 2014
Credit(s): 2
World Languages on the Go
Help students learn how to use world languages in a variety of contexts by incorporating multimedia into second language instruction.
Register at 22015399991501
Course Dates: June 26-July 20, 2014
Credit(s): 1 (renewal only)
Formative Assessment with and without Technology
Fill your toolbox with formative assessment strategies and ideas that will allow you to make powerful instructional decisions to improve teaching and learning in your classroom.
Register at 22018299991501
Course Dates: June 30-July 3, 2014
Credit(s): 2
iMovie: Digital Video in the Classroom
Change things up in the classroom by infusing digital video into instruction.
Register at 22000399991501
Course Dates: June 30-July 20, 2014
Credit(s): 1
Introduction to Preparing and Teaching in a 1:1 Environment
Discover strategies that will assist in the transition to an 1:1 environment.
Register at 22018499991501
Course Dates: June 30-July 27, 2014
Credit(s): 2
MovieMaker: Digital Video in the Classroom
Use Microsoft Movie Maker to create digital video for the classroom.
Register at 22000699991501
Course Dates: June 30-July 20, 2014
Credit(s): 1
Spanish for Educators Online
Learn basic Spanish with a focus on the vocabulary of the education workplace.
Register at 22000799991501
Course Dates: July 2-Aug. 13, 2014
Credit(s): 3 (renewal only)
“Write” On Ways to Meet the ICC K-5 Writing Standards
Investigate the writing standards in the Iowa Core Curriculum and find creative ways to teach them to students.
Register at 22020299991501
Course Dates: July 7-Aug. 8, 2014
Credit(s): 2
Anxious Kids Searching for Calm
Find strategies to help students cope with anxiety and anxiousness.
Register at 22020699991502
Course Dates: July 7-July 25, 2014
Credit(s): 3
Disrupted Classrooms: Oppositional and Defiant Behavior
Discover how oppositional and defiant behaviors develop, the role of adults in interactions, and how to address the behaviors of students.
Register at 22020599991502
Course Dates: July 7-July 25, 2014
Credit(s): 3
Google Sites
Learn to use Google Sites in the classroom to enhance collaboration, creativity, and student communication.
Register at 22012899991503
Course Dates: July 7-Aug. 10, 2014
Credit(s): 2
How Do You Teach Reading-Speaking the Language of The Book Whisperer
Add to your toolbox of resources and ideas that will “awaken the inner reader in every child.”
Register at 22019399991502
Course Dates: July 7-Aug. 1, 2014
Credit(s): 1
Introduction to Google Apps
Discover how Google Apps can improve students’ 21st century skills.
Register at 22007899991502
Course Dates: July7-Aug. 10, 2014
Credit(s): 2
Motivating Kids from the Inside Out
Discover how to increase student motivation by learning about self-efficacy, locus of control, engagement, and self regulation.
Register at 22008599991502
Course Dates: July 7-July 25, 2014
Credit(s): 3
Navigating Parent-Teacher Relationships
Discover new ways to engage and collaborate with parents to improve the school environment.
Register at 22020999991501
Course Dates: July 7-July 25, 2014
Credit(s): 3
Total Participation Techniques
Shift from the “stand and deliver” method of teaching to techniques that will engage students in active learning and allow them to demonstrate their depth of knowledge and understanding.
Register at 22020199991501
Course Dates: July 7-Aug. 8, 2014
Credit(s): 2
Using Technology to Teach Comprehensive Musicianship
Create in-depth learning opportunities for music students by combining teaching strategies with technology.
Register at 22009499991501
Course Dates: July 7-Aug. 1, 2014
Credit(s): 2
OLLIE: Introduction to the Online Learner
Discover what online learning is like from the student perspective.
Register at 22001399991502
Course Dates: July 9-July 29, 2014
Credit(s): 1
Presentation Zen: Improving Your Approach to Presentations
Create powerful presentations that communicate ideas, teach and persuade.
Register at 22012399991502
Course Dates: July 9-July 29, 2014
Credit(s): 1
India: Visions and Voices
Learn about India from ancient times to present da.
Register at 22011599991501
Course Dates: July 10-Aug. 14, 2014
Credit(s): 2 (renewal only)
Introduction to Preparing and Teaching in a 1:1 Environment
Discover strategies that will assist in the transition to an 1:1 environment.
Register at 22018499991502
Course Dates: July 14-Aug. 10, 2014
Credit(s): 2
iPods and iPads for the Classroom
Incorporate iPods and iPads into classroom instruction.
Register at 22004199991502
Course Dates: July 14-Aug. 14, 2014
Credit(s): 2
The Global Classroom
Find new ways to connect your students with other students from around the world.
Register at 22004499991502
Course Dates: July 14-Aug. 31, 2014
Credit(s): 3
External Partners

Adding Accessibility to Online Courses: Making Your Online Course Accessible for all Types of Learners
Date: May 19, 2014
Time: 12:00 p.m.
Register Here!
Description: An important practice in designing quality online courses is making the content accessible to all types of learners. Certain educational tools, such as SoftChalk, give the users the tools to make their content accessible and usable for all.
Join us for this Best Practices in Online Course Design webinar where Richard Smith of Harford Community College will share some of the Best Practices he uses in designing online courses to make content available to all users.
Dumping Textbooks: A Step-by-Step Guide for Migrating to Digital Content-Part 2
Date: May 19, 2014
Time: 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Register Here!
Description: Nothing is so certainly written in the educational book of fate as the end of the textbook as the primary focus of educational content. Digital resources are potentially cheaper, more flexible, more up-to-date, and more reflective of the kind of materials that all learners will need to become proficient with as they seek to prepare themselves for life and learning beyond school. If you are looking for strategies to build your district's capacity to go through the process of replacing any textbook with digital alternatives, join us on May 19 for part two of a two-part series on migrating to digital content. Jonathan Costa will cover:
- Choosing the right electronic storage, hosting, and access options (Part 2)
- Harvesting strategies – finance, incentives, and platforms that work
- Legal, copyright, and open source issues
- Training and support for users
- Sustaining quality for the long-term
Attendees will get the most out of this webinar series if they come with a course or a subject area that they would like to pursue for textbook replacement in mind.
Leading Successful iPad Implementation: Lessons from a Successful Experience
Date: May 20, 2014
Time: 3:00-4:00
Register Here!
Description: Leading mobile learning initiatives requires careful planning and attention to the details to help ensure success. With the recent notable implementation nightmares with mobile learning technologies, school leaders are left wondering if the move to this technology make sense. Implementation of iPads in the 1:1 model can be done with great success. In our community’s next webinar, David Mahaley will focus on providing the necessary steps for staff development, student preparation, and administration leadership required to bring iPads successfully into the learning environment.
Find out the key elements of how to ensure the success of a 1:1 iPad initiative from a school completing its fourth year of implementation and learn how to avoid the pitfalls chronicled in recent news headlines.
Finding a Safe Environment where Students can Blog
Date: May 20, 2014
Time: 4:00-5:00 p.m.
Register Here!
Description: A ton of research and anecdotal evidence exists that proves an increase in writing proficiency for students who write frequently. Blogging is a great way for students to write online – but teachers often are afraid to encourage students to blog due to privacy and safety concerns. Join New Teacher Coach, Shannon Holden, as he reveals several free (and secure) blogging platforms for students and teachers to use.
There’s an App for that! 50 Apps that will Rock Your World in 60 Minutes!
Date: May 21, 2014
Time: 4:00-5:00 p.m.
Register Here!
Description: Is the application market transforming education? In this session, participants will discover apps that change the way students and teachers think about learning. The presenter will feature apps that promote essential 21st century learning skills - creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and apps that fuel creativity. Do you have apps you’d like to share? Please do so here!
Defeating the Culture of Bullying in the Age of Social Media
Date: May 29, 2014
Time: 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Register Here!
Description: Being a teenager has never been easy, but in recent years, with the rise of the Internet and social media, it has become exponentially more challenging. Bullying, once thought of as the province of queen bees and goons, has taken on new, complex, and insidious forms, as parents and educators know all too well.
Join us for our community’s next webinar, led by Emily Bazelon, author of Sticks and Stones: Defeating the Culture of Bullying and Rediscovering the Power of Character and Empathy, which explores the culture of bullying and focuses on the individual stories of three students: Monique, Jacob, and Flannery. In the year since this book was published, Emily has traveled around the country talking to students, parents, and educators, and has heard a need from teens to not have adults preach to them about bullying, but to help them have opportunities to have complex conversations about their social experiences.
To support teachers, Emily will be sharing a Teacher’s Guide for using Sticks and Stones in the classroom, which she created with teacher and school director Meredith Garvin of New Haven Academy. The Teacher’s Guide, available for free, includes lessons based on the individual stories of teens in the book. The guide also is aligned to ELA Common Core Standards.
Join us on May 29 to learn how to help your students defeat bullying culture and create a positive school climate of empathy.
Integrating Stretch Texts: Planning Resources and Lessons
Date: June 2, 2014
Time: 3:00-4:00
Register Here!
Description: You don’t have to do it on your own! This session provides educators with specific strategies to engage students in selecting their own stretch texts from electronic titles, as well as pragmatic tools and priority steps to evaluating your own resources and lessons.
Built for Today’s Learners: How to Design an Engaging Learning Environment for Milennials
Date: June 3, 2014
Time: 3:00-4:00
Register Here!
Description: Today’s learners, or Millennials, want to rewrite the rules, and collaborate to solve problems. They see institutions as irrelevant, but they also want structure and boundaries. This presents an interesting challenge for school leaders as we attempt to provide creative learning environments for today’s students and staff. In our community’s next webinar, high school principal Dwight Carter will present ideas that will help you transform the learning spaces at your school to better support the way your current students learn. He will share how a team of district administrators and teachers worked closely with an architect to design a new addition to Gahanna Lincoln High School that addressed Millennials’ learning needs.
Design concepts to be covered include:
- incorporating flexible spaces for collaboration
- including natural light to evoke creativity
- upgrading the wireless network to enterprise strength
- increasing student voice and choice in how they want to demonstrate their learning
- looking at time as a variable to learning
Using Technology to Improve Student Learning: The Flipped Classroom
A FREE online mirco-course for educators-Non-Credit
Date(s): June 16 - July 7, 2014
Register here!
Description: Learn more on how flipped learning has changed the way educators present information, attend this 3-week online course to help you get started in flipping your lessons. The instructional lessons are multi-media rich and contain graded questions and interactive learning games.
Key topics of the complete course (Note: The free, reduced course will have access to Topics 1 – 4 only)
Topic 1: Introduction to “flipped classroom”
Topic 2: Making screencast videos and posting them online - Participants will make a screen capture video presentation on a web site, documents, or paint/draw program.
Topic 3: Participants will post videos to YouTube (or other video hosting site)
Topic 4: Making narrated PowerPoint slides, Mac and PC versions - Participants will make a narrated presentation (PowerPoint or Prezi) and post on web hosting sites. (optional resource on using Keynote for Mac).
Topic 5: Posting video links on your web site (Learning management system, or school site, free web sites, etc.). Adding text captions to your YouTube videos.
Topic 6: Create a flipped lesson. This lesson will include a lesson plan that connects back to standards along with a video. The video may be used to introduce, reinforce or teach a lesson.
Topic 7: The future of flipped learning and the sharing of additional resources to help teachers flipped their lessons.
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