Coaching educators builds their confidence and creative capacity. Coaching occurs in all sorts of situations from informal hallway chats and social gatherings to more formal PD or PLC group meetings and 1:1 in-depth conversations. Regardless of the venue, effective coaching is intentional listening. Coaches don’t solve other people’s problems; they help educators discover new approaches and take informed risks that lead to promising practices. Adult learners have much in common with young learners—the need for relevance, engagement, application, and interaction. Sitting and listening to lectures is not an effective teaching approach for helping children learn. That presenter-driven approach is equally boring for adults.Click this link to register for their webinar.
In this webinar, participants will hear insights from Cheri Sterman, Crayola Education Director; Kelly Schofield, Principal of Hanawalt Elementary School, Des Moines, IA; and Sarah Dougherty, Visual Arts Curriculum Coordinator and Turnaround Arts Director, Des Moines, IA on how to engage adult learners, and will be asked to “make their thinking visible” throughout the conversation as the presenters model a more interactive learning experience. This webinar will benefit K-8 classroom teachers, art teachers, literacy specialists, librarians, principals, and early childhood educators and family engagement specialists.
This webinar is one of the many webinars through and is sponsored by Crayola.